The gear pockets are ruined on this external oil pump!
The gerotor assembly in this Twin Cam oil pump is destroyed!
This is what your gerotor pump should look like!
Normal Harley oil pressure in Shovel, Evo & Twin Cam engines usually means it is not with-in factory Harley Specs. The external style of oil pump is notorious for this, the internal gerotor is somewhat better, but has its problems too! Using our oil pressure relief valve spring kits solves this problem and will ensure that your engine is with-in factory specs.
If your oil pressure is fluctuating wildly, it usually means that the pressure relief valve is sticking. This is a very common problem in Twin Cam engines and is easily cured. Simply remove and polish the relief valve plunger until it moves freely in the cam plate bore.
Yes it does, another common problem. See our our oil temperature cooling tips below.
This is common. Your oil pump gears are moving a lot slower at idle. Try to keep your r.p.m. a little higher 800-850. The low idle sounds really cool, although it is horrible for oil pressure.
The first & most important Harley oil pressure tech tip, is to use E.R.T. Products. With our kits, you will average a drop of 20 degrees in oil temp. This is FOR REAL, by simply following the factory Harley-Davidson oil pressure specs.
Always use a black oil filter!!!
Black gets rid of heat, chrome keeps it in. Use the chrome somewhere else.
Don't go cheap, Buy a high quality BLACK oil cooler. Again you want to get rid of the heat along with keeping your engine leak free!!!
Probably not, we have found that most of the oil pumps are all right. The problem with lousy oil pressure is the weak spring in the pressure relief valve. Our products address and correct this problem. The exception being if you have grooves in the gear pockets of the oil pump body or the Gerotors are fried, then your pump needs replaced. (See pictures above)
First of all, oil pumps are expensive, whether you buy an oil pump from Harley-Davidson or you buy an aftermarket oil pump. Secondly, most of the oil pumps on the market are direct copies of the Harley-Davidson oil pump and ALL of the pumps have the weak pressure relief spring. Finally, YOU can install our products yourself, most people are unable to replace their own oil pump and will have to pay a shop to do it, increasing the final cost. And then, after the cost of the pump and installation, you are still going to need our products to make the pump perform the way it should. That is, to produce the correct amount of oil pressure.
An oil pressure gauge is a MUST! It is critical that you know what your oil pressure is. That is why we offer the PG-1 “Pro-Gauge”, the absolute finest oil pressure gauge on the market for the Harley-Davidson motorcycle!
Yes, by installing our products, the cooler oil from your oil tank that is circulated through your engine is increased. This in turn lowers your operating temperatures by 10 to 20 degrees F. Which increases your engine life!
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